Safety in Schools: What to Do During an Earthquake in School

by | Jun 24, 2022 | Uncategorized

#1: Learn and Practice School Emergency Procedures

Familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures specific to your school. Pay attention during drills and practice sessions. Understand the instructions provided by teachers and staff for responding to an earthquake.

#2: Stay Calm and Alert

During an earthquake in school, remain calm and listen to the directions given by teachers or administrators. Stay alert to any updates or instructions provided over the intercom or by other means of communication.

#3: Drop, Cover, and Hold On

Follow the “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” protocol in your classroom. Drop to the ground, take cover under a sturdy desk or table, and hold on until the shaking stops. Protect your head and neck with your arms.

#4: Stay Away from Windows and Glass

Move away from windows, glass, or objects that could shatter during the shaking. Seek shelter under a desk or table, away from any potential hazards that may pose a risk of injury.

#5: Stay Inside

Unless instructed otherwise by school authorities, remain inside the building during an earthquake. Do not attempt to leave the premises until the shaking has stopped and you receive guidance from teachers or emergency personnel.

#6: Follow Teacher’s Instructions

Listen carefully to your teacher’s instructions during an earthquake. They are trained to guide you through the emergency procedures. Follow their directions promptly and calmly.

#7: Stay in Designated Safe Areas

If your school has designated safe areas, such as interior hallways or reinforced sections of the building, move to those locations during an earthquake. Stay in these areas until you receive further instructions from school staff.

#8: Stay Together as a Class

In the event of an earthquake, stay with your class and teacher. Avoid running or separating from the group, as it may hinder accountability and coordination during the emergency response.

#9: Be Prepared for Aftershocks

Aftershocks can occur after the initial earthquake. Be prepared for additional shaking and follow the “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” protocol during aftershocks. Stay calm and wait for guidance from school staff.

#10: Stay Indoors Until All-Clear Given

Remain indoors until you receive confirmation from school authorities or emergency personnel that it is safe to exit the building. Follow instructions on when and how to safely proceed to designated assembly areas or to reunite with parents or guardians.

#11: Report Injuries or Hazards

If anyone is injured during the earthquake or if you notice any hazards in the school building, report it immediately to a teacher or staff member. They will take the necessary steps to ensure safety and provide assistance as needed.

#12: Assist Others if Safe

If it is safe to do so, help classmates or teachers who may need assistance during and after the earthquake. Follow instructions from teachers or emergency responders and prioritize your safety while offering aid.

By following these numbered steps, you can increase your chances of staying safe during an earthquake at school. Remember, your safety and the safety of others should always be the top priority. Stay informed, stay calm, and follow the guidance of school staff during this natural disaster.